Hein van Woensel is co-founder of and partner at Citius Advocaten. He specialises in corporate law. His work includes advising clients on corporate law structures and guiding business transactions, and his specialisms include corporate governance, acquisitions, joint ventures, restructuring, and drafting and negotiating contracts. He also acts as a lawyer in corporate disputes. He has additional experience as a trustee and as a lawyer for companies that are bankrupt or facing insolvency.
Hein has clients in a range of sectors, including business services, (wholesale) commerce, distribution and industry, including pharmaceuticals, healthcare and media. The companies and organisations that he supports vary from internationally operating companies to local family businesses. He also advises institutions that have cultural and societal objectives.
Hein studied law in Amsterdam. He has been a lawyer since 1992. He began his career in Haarlem and has been practising in Amsterdam since 1996.
He took a post-graduate programme in IT Law and in Insolvency Law, and is a member of Legal Mondo, an international association of lawyers, the AIJA (alumni), the Association of Corporate Litigation and the Amsterdam Association of Business Lawyers. He is also a member of the permanent team of editors of the case law journal Rechtspraak Insolventierecht (‘Insolvency Law Jurisprudence’).
Hein has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):
Company law (Agency and Distribution, Directors’ liability, Mergers & Acquisitions, Companies, Associations and Foundations);
Contract law
Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.